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EURO-LABS at CERN - Transnational Access PS-SPS Test Beams

Specific information for PS-SPS test beam TA applications

Financial conditions

Due to a very large number of applications, the restrictions below are applied:

  • The per-diem has been reduced to 80 CHF/night, with the Home Insitutes of the Users allowed to top-up.
  • Exclusively students and post-graduates will be supported.
  • The total number of Daily Travel Allowance (DTA) per project is capped (depending on the beam time duration of the project).

!!! note

  Users registered with >50% presence in the local area (i.e. resident in Switzerland or France) are not eligible for TA.

Application deadlines

The TA applications will be handled in batches, with deadlines as announced at the User's meeting.

For 2024 the deadlines are :

  • July 31st, 2024 for test beam experiments in the first period of the year,
  • October 31, 2024 for the second period of the year

Last update: July 8, 2024