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EURO-LABS at CERN - Transnational Access

Modality of access

CERN provides free of charge beam time in the participating facilities and additional financial support, to selected research teams (user-groups) from academia and research institutes to perform their experiments.

The experiment needs to be approved by the Physics Program Coordinator of the facility and included in the yearly approved beam-time or operation schedule, endorsed by the corresponding CERN scientific committees to be eligible for EURO-LABS support.

The access can be of two types:

Transnational Access (TA) when the team visits the infrastructure to make use or it.


Detailed information on the financial support at CERN for TA in this Financial Support on the right.

Remote Trans-national Access (RA) through the provision of scientific services to the users without a visit to the facility.


testing of user equipment sent to the facility, irradiation and/or analysis of material samples,
remote access to installed experiments for special data-taking.

User support under TNA

The EURO-LABS funds can be used for:

  • financial support to the team members during their stay at CERN (TA access): subsistence and travel expenses.
  • expenses related to the expriment: installation and/or transport of the equipment.
  • contributing to operating costs: consumables, adaptation of infrastructure.

Application procedure

The cycle of a TA application has two phases:

  • initial: before the experiment takes place.
  • final: at the start or soon after the completion of the experiment.

The steps to follow in each phase are detailed in the Application procedure tab.

End of Experiment Report

Within two weeks from the completion of the experiment, the Group Leader/PI must provide a short report (template here) summarizing the objectives and achievements of the experiment, and send it to the Facility Coordinator.

The Group Leader/PI should make sure that EURO-LABS is properly acknowledged using the text below in any publication of presentation by the group or team members.

Last update: July 12, 2024